Are You Ready to Release Your Baggage?
Get Results in Hours...not Years!
Dealing with Burnout, Anxiety, or Depression?
Looking to Change Careers or Start a Business?
How about making more money?
Whatever it is you desire, you can release the Limiting Beliefs and Emotional Baggage that has you repeating the same old cycles over and over again.
Experience Mental and Emotional Release® during a 6-8 hour breakthrough session designed to dig up and release your baggage your Career or your Mental & Emotional Wellbeing.
Using Neuro Linguistic Programming and Quantum Linguistics, we instruct the Unconscious Mind to release stuck emotions, phobias, limiting beliefs, while getting to the root of your blockages in life.
Accomplish in Hours what it take Years to Release in Therapy.
What is a Breakthrough Session?
During your 6-8 hour Breakthrough Session, we dig up all of your baggage related to 1 of 6 key life categories;
Career, Relationships, Family, Spirituality, Personal Growth & Development, or Physical Health

Detailed Personal History
We spend a few hours locating The Greater Problem, the root of the weed that affects all of your thinking and unconscious patterns. We identify all of your baggage from childhood until now in order to understand what needs to be let go.

MER® & NLP Interventions
Once the root is identified, we elicit your Values, your deepest drivers for behavior, and begin to utilize MER® and NLP techniques that are designed specifically to instruct your Unconscious Mind to release all of your emotional baggage and limiting beliefs

A Vision for a Compelling Future
In order to actually create change, we finish the process by imagining a new, compelling future for you to step into. We set SMART goals based upon your desired outcome, install them into the Unconscious Mind, and ensure that you are clear on the actions that will anchor in the change.
Hear what my clients have to say...

What is Mental & Emotional Release®?
Mental and Emotional Release® (MER®) is a technique pioneered by Dr. Matt James and his father, Tad James, which uses simple visualization techniques to help eliminate symptoms from complex problems such as PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and more.
This simple, effective, clinically proven process releases Baggage and Limiting Beliefs in Hours...not years!
Imagine being free of your mental and emotional suffering in 1 day instead of 10 years of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
No Drugs. No Pills. No Painful Techniques.
Just Freedom.
Interested in Learning More?
Click the link below to schedule a call to learn more about this powerful transformational tool.
Christopher Armstrong
Your Transformation Guide
Christopher Armstrong is a Transformation Coach.
In 2019 he let go of alcohol after 20 years as a Sommelier and Restauranteur. Now he uses that experience to craft rich, immersive, custom experiences to help Men awaken to their higher potential.
He combines MER®, NLP, Meditation, Sacred Earth Medicines, Energy Healing, and Movement Practices to give Men the support they need to break free from their past and step into their true purpose.