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Street Interview with The Crystalline Man

Crys Armstrong

Just a few days ago I was getting high on air in the park when two men came up to me and asked if they could interview me for their 100th episode of their YouTube channel.

I caught their attention while they were hunting for an interviewee because I seemed like I was hyperventilating in the park (well I guess I was!).

A few rounds into my breathing exercises they tapped me on the shoulder and asked for the interview. I was quite disoriented and asked if they could wait a few minutes until I finish (once you get going, it's hard to want to stop).

Life is a dance of electro-magnetics, and this is a great example of the power of magnetic energy. Many of us have a magnetic aura, drawing people and experiences to ourselves. Ultimately whatever we draw in provides an opportunity for growth and expansion, no matter whether we judge it as good or bad (which is ultimately a human challenge).

I enjoyed sharing this experience with the team from @UnderscoreYourWorld

Enjoy the interview!



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